Category Archives: Gallery


An Introduction to  Protecting Freedom of Thought When I first began listening to political talk radio (PTR) in the early 1990’s, I was saddened, shocked and alarmed to hear strategies of deeply polarizing propaganda being used by Rush Limbaugh, … Continue reading

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Special to The Frederick News-Post (MD)

This gallery contains 1 photo.

Paths to Peace Post-Tucson soul searching not yet done Originally published in the Frederick News-Post March 19, 2011 By Kathryn Ruud Special to the News-Post Kathryn Ruud is a contributing author to the book “At War with Words,” published in … Continue reading

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Open Letter to Senators McCaskill and Menendez

The left and the right do the public a service when they keep an eye on radical statements made on the other side. Responsible Democrats and Republicans also need to make every effort to reject the worst of the polarizing … Continue reading

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